Sunday 10 July 2011

Gooseberry patch

Oodles of fun on the farm!

- Chasing runner ducks. We have several brown runner ducks ( ) and I had a chance to help move them around to different pens. They looked quite ridiculous - they actually do run instead of waddling like most ducks - but were calm once we caught them (and carefully held their long necks away from the face). We tried to shepherd a mother and five ducklings down a path, but the little ones decided to walk straight into an open net, which made our job considerably easier.

- Picked gooseberries! They were massive and very sweet - and prickly. The scars are worth it: three plants yielded 6 kg of berries (plus whatever I ate hehehe).

- Helped set up nets covering our cabbage bed. The birds don't seem to bother the cabbages too much, but one of our bean fields was decimated by birds nibbling on the germinating plants.

- Worked as a dish dryer again. It's amazing to see hundreds of plates bearing beautifully prepared food smoothly head out for the guests. And then I dry, inspect, and put away those hundreds of plates.

- Learning about food from chefs. Now they make a special vegetarian plate for me every night! Tonight: nut wellington with cashews, walnuts, carrots, and Swiss chard. Yum!

There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough to pay attention to the story. - Linda Hogan

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