Friday 1 July 2011

Farmer Résumé

Trying to keep a record of all the farming skills I've learned:

- How to harvest potatoes, three ways:
1. Remove the tops then turn over the soil and dig through by hand.
2. Have someone dig under the plant while another person yanks out the whole thing and then scrambles to find flying potatoes.
3. Driving a tractor with essentially a super-sized rake on the back to turn over the soil then going through and picking up the surfaced potatoes. Usually involves me sitting on the back of the tractor to weigh it down.

- Picking beets - only when popping through the surface and of sufficient roundness.

- Picking courgettes - found a 2.5 kg one today! I don't think anyone else appreciated its massiveness but I pointed it out to everyone anyway.

- Picking carrots

- Weeding

- Planting lettuces

- Preparing veggie bags for distribution to well-paying London customers

- Preparing a bed for new plants. Involves lots of carting of compost and turning over of soil.

- Washing vegetables

- Setting up hoops and netting over vegetable beds

This is the first weekend Bart is bringing veggie bags down to London - hopefully they are successful!

Modern society will find no solution to the ecological problem unless it takes a serious look at its lifestyles. - Pope John Paul II

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