Tuesday 28 June 2011

Plant notes

Don't be alarmed - this is not a blog.

This summer, I am trading safety specs for big ol' wellies and my precious laser for a watering hose and wheelbarrow. The view is better than any office window and my colleagues are mostly covered in feathers. I am looking forward to the next five weeks and all of the hands-on vegetable gardening expertise I will gain. These posts are merely a way to record all the tips and secrets that I learn from talented English farmers. I don't expect anyone else to find them particularly fascinating, but I am sharing them just in case they may be of some use to another aspiring gardener.

I apologise in advance for making anyone jealous. I will inevitably be pointing out the refreshing smell just after a rainstorm, the amusing grunting of hungry piglets, the absurd strutting of a chicken on the lam, the deliciously pure air, the perpetual red carpet of rose petals leading up to my door......

And in closing, a few words about nature by those more eloquent than I:

I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority. - E.B. White

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